My future was decided without my input. I didn't even apply for that job, but I got an interview. I daydreamed through the interview, but they wanted me anyways. My mouth told that HR lady that I would work for them without my consent.
What a stupid mouth! You didn't even ask me!
And then I come to find that I am in educational debt up to my scalp and I won't be making enough to pay it off in one year (or even 5 years) AND live on my own.
Debt is a bitch of a handicap.
Its crippling my independence.
So now I am stuck back in my childhood, although I'm supposed to be a grown up.
...Thats what my degree is telling me anyways.
But I don't fit into my childhood anymore. That bed is too small, those shoes are worn out, and my mind is wrapping itself into a tight ball ready to spring into another galaxy.
What is my problem? Eight months ago I was sobbing myself to sleep with homesickness. THIS is what I wanted more than anything in the world. The nostalgia was overpowering my world.
If anyone wanted to listen, I would tell you exactly what happened.
I overcame homesickness. I made my own nostalgia, and I was the only person in it; me and my independence. I spent two years of my sweat, blood, and tears (literally) working toward that never-reaching goal of being just as free as all my peers who don't spend their nights crying for their parents! (which I had spent the greater part of my college years doing)
Those feeling of not needing them were more valuable to me than almost anything.
In truth: I'm terrified of losing that.
Thats all.
I want to run away to Portland to make sure that I don't still need my family.
To make my own ties.
Earn my own money.
Have my own house and my own couch.
Make new friends.
Running away is easier. Staying is hard. Working through these ugly feelings is hard. Sticking with old friends when I want to move on. Finding a niche here is the land of my childhood. UGH! This is not what I wanted. I had my freedom right in front of me. Why does is feel like its all gone!
Granted, post-college/pre-job is a time of crisis. But I feel like this crisis has been pending for awhile.
And now I'm too confused to figure it-the-hell-out.
So, here's to a great life ahead of me. (chunking of yogurt cup to computer screen)