Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sigh...useless planning for the future

Well...I'm pretty sure I found my wedding dress. I'll never get to wear it, but at least I knew what it looked like!

So here is what I love....

a. the simplicity - its not fancy, but its still elegant in its own unique way (this girl's mom made it).
b. the accessories are so creative and fitting. i love the little jacket and belt. they add style and a little color.
c. the necklace (she made it). its big and chunky but it blends in so well to the outfit that you would really only notice it if it was gone.
d. the train. it swoops out like it was always meant to be there.
e. the pouf at the back of the waist. it reminds me of a hoopskirt from Gone With the Wind. I smiled.

Doppleganger week

I learned from facebook that this week is doppleganger week, where you set your profile picture to a celebrity that looks like you. Laugh. But I thought it sounded kinda fun so I did it.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I'm supposed to write a paper about the four cardinal virtues. I'm watching TV instead. When your sick, you don't feel like doing shit.
So...according to whatever article this is that I'm reading, prudence is the conscience behind knowing and doing what "is right," the balance between intent and delivery. People who are prudent know what the right thing to do is, and they do it.
Seems pretty cut and dry.
Reminds me of pragmatism.

...can i still be a badass?...

Fortitude...moral courage...being willing to suffer for the sake of another.
aka people pleaser.

Temperance is just doing good? I kinda hate the word 'good.' Like how would you even define good? Couldn't it be different for every person?...and then some.

Now justice. That's what everyone loves. Making sure everyone gets what they deserve. Justice is satisfying, worthy of human emotion. Lets get worked up about it!

...I guess I should go write that paper now...