Friday, March 5, 2010

Sadness was always my strength...

It's weird to think that I'm good at being sad. I even like being sad. I could be a poster child for Cymbalta. There aren't a lot of sad things that happen to me...really.

But still the sadness chases me. And now, in the stress of it all that is life, I am caught once again in my sad complacency. Enveloped yet empowered. A strange mix.

People have a strong desire to be heard and understood. So strong, that it becomes the center of their world, and thus should also be the center of my world. Yes, you matter, but my universe does not revolve around you. Please don't drag me down to your dark kingdom of me-ness. I've got my own castle to secure darlin. Please don't strip me of my own selfishness. I'm all I've got left, don't ya know? You keep me spiralling down...down...down...

1 comment:

  1. It really is ironic that you say you could be the poster child for Cymbalta because just yesterday I was telling everyone that I was the new poster child for The Biggest Loser. Irony. At least yours is worth a post. The thing you are good at is not bringing others down with you and you are never in denial of your emotions. AND we usually end up laughing at some point, so as long as this continues to happen, then I (and hopefully you, even if secretly) am happy.
